Thursday, December 19, 2013


Well graduating was not as exciting as I would have thought a couple of years ago. Michael Crow's big speech to us the graduating class was " Never complain. Just solve." I'm going to take that as don't complain that we raise our rates, lower our standards, and pay less to our teachers every year..... Never complain. I'm pretty sure everyone hates that guy. He sounded like a douche mostly because it seems like he is completely disconnected from the student body. Everyone who was presenting could pick out which students were getting awards from the crowd. Mr.Crow knew exactly no one and his jokes were not funny.

 I think all the stress of planning this whole ordeal has gotten to me. It's a long turn to serious town to explain all of it but it mostly revolves around my family and how crazy they are. I know most people think "oh my life is crazy lalala". But I mean it in the way that my mother didn't show up because my father would be somewhere in the area of thousands of people. My brother had a dentist appointment that simply couldn't be changed, even though there would be 2 full hours of him to get back to his place.

Anyways I had a great time with my friends and my lost family. All I wanted was a low-key non-drama day. I didn't really advertise because honestly I didn't want to keep track of people. As social as I can be when I want time to have fun I hate being in charge. I just wanna go with the flow. Anyways, off to Hawaii next week for Danielle's wedding. Tim and I are going to adventure around and I can't wait to run around with him.